The Conquerors Wiki


The hovercraft is a vehicle that can travel both on land and water, it is as fast as a jeep, can garrison 2 units that can shoot while inside it, it has the same health as a humvee(?), it also has a gun but its damage is pretty much non-existent.


The hovercraft can be a useful early-midgame tool as aforementioned can cross land and water. It's most useful on Amphibian maps such as Mainland where there are lots of islands and land crystals. If your team is good you can get a Fort in quick time and harass the enemy.


This unit is good for plant sniping.

If used correctly, you can destroy an army of heavy soldiers. (Moving in and out repeatedly.)


This is the first naval & land unit released in TC3.

As of Saturday 20, There has been no account on any skins for the Hovercraft.
